Somewhere Beyond the Sea

An excellent follow-up to The House on the Cerulean Sea, this book is chock full of this found family fiercely protecting the space they've carved out for themselves, with plenty of reminders that our choices and actions are what define our character, and not the stereotypes or labels the world might want to put on us.
Linus & Arthur have filed paperwork to adopt the children at Marsyas island, but the government decides to throw a few more hurdles their way instead. I enjoyed the fact that the children have learned enough from Arthur that they start expecting him to follow his own advice instead of bowing before unfair restrictions, and they regularly inspire hope through their creative shenanigans and refusal to be anyone but who they are.
There are a few unexpected surprises, and the ending and epilogue were incredibly satisfying. This was a delightful read imbued with hope and the determination that even inspiring a small change in the world around us can make a big difference. Recommended for readers who enjoy found family, baddies you can easily dislike, and a messily happy ending.
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