Assassin's Fate

Assassin's Fate (The Fitz and the Fool, #3)Assassin's Fate by Robin Hobb

I received an advanced digital copy of this book, and when I finished, I just re-read the ending about 8 times before finally putting it down . . . I will definitely be buying a hardcover for my shelf when it comes out.
I have followed Fitz & the Fool since I was 13, and also read all the other Realm of the Elderlings titles as they came out. This final trilogy was an opportunity to revisit the world one more time, to see it expanded further, glimpse the future that Fitz & the Fool had called forth, and have some loose ends tied up.
Without giving anything away, this final installment was a beautifully crafted book. I had no idea how Ms. Hobb was going to close out the series, and considering how long I've loved these characters, I was not sure if even the perfect ending would be satisfying. But it was. I read it 8 times because it was absolutely right.
Consistent with the other books, the world building, plot and character development are compellingly detailed. And like Assassin's Quest, Fool's Fate, and Ship of Destiny, this is a trilogy finale that pulls no punches.
A terrific read, but if you haven't read the other Realm of the Elderlings books (Farseer, Liveship, Tawny Man, & Rain Wild series), you should read them first so as not to have anything spoiled.
